"Research studies show that individuals with ASD may show heightened musical aptitudes and sensitivity to musical elements compared to typically developing peers. The engaging nature and accessibility of music often elicits positive responses of individuals with ASD, indicating that most clients with this condition can benefit from music therapy interventions."
(American Music Therapy Association)
To read more Click Here
"Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act* (IDEA)20 U.S.C. §1400 music therapy is recognized as a related service in special education and settings serving students with disabilities.
In the school setting, music therapists collaborate with related service providers and educational teams (EL teachers, Reading Support, Classroom teachers, Social Workers, Job Skills, etc. ) to support and generalize skills from music therapy to non-music settings.
Music therapy has the potential to address skills within the following clinical domain areas: Cognitive, Behavioral ,Physical, Emotional, Social, Communication, and Sensorimotor."
(American Music Therapy Association)
To learn about Music Therapy in Special Education Click Here
ABC News - How Congresswoman Gabby Giffords regained her speech though music therapy after surviving a bullet wound to her brain.